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Startup School: Warsaw - Introduction to Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is Google’s simple solution to ensuring that all of your marketing and analytics tags fire where you need them to, when you want them to. Easily place all of your Google Marketing Platform tags including floodlights, as well as other marketing tools.

We will help you to understand how your organisation can get the most out of this free product and ensure you get the data you need to succeed, using Google Analytics as an example.

Course agenda

  1. Google Tag Manager & Deploying Google Analytics - What can it do for you and how does it work?
  2. The building blocks of tagging - Tags, Variables and Triggers
  3. Event listeners and implementation
  4. Debugging & publishing 

Who should attend   

Any startup founder who wants to ensure they get the full picture of all of their onsite data to drive greater understanding of site and online marketing performance.

What you’ll gain

A baseline knowledge of Google Tag Manager - how to set up tags, pull variables, and create triggers for Google Analytics page and event tracking.

Event language: English
Date and time

Wednesday, 24, March 2021
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

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